Hydrogen for President comic page 5

Hydrogen for President | Page 5

  Publish date: Jan 3, 2022
  Featured characters:Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

[Hydrogen holds a poster with the slogan “Vote Hydro—she’s #1.”]

[Oxygen, a boy with spiky black hair and a red flannel shirt, holds a poster with the slogan “Vote Oxy for a breath of fresh air.”]

[Nitrogen, a boy with straight white hair, pale skin, and a ski jacket, holds a poster with the slogan “Vote Nitro—he’s cool.”]
[Carbon, a girl with dark skin, a round face, and a black cardigan, holds a poster with the slogan “Vote Carbon, naturally.”]

[The four friends stand in a circle in front of the lockers.]
Hydrogen: …Well, this is awkward.