I am preparing to apply for grad school and currently on hiatus. Thank you for your patience! — Ava

Hydrogen for President comic page 30

Hydrogen for President | Page 30

  Publish date: May 16, 2022
  Featured characters:Hydrogen, Sodium, Lead, Titanium

[Hydrogen approaches Sodium, who’s cooking something in the kitchen.]
Hydrogen: Sodium, will you vote for me?
Sodium: Nah, you don’t really give off that leader vibe.

[Hydrogen approaches Lead, who’s wearing a beat-up bass guitar.]
Hydrogen: Lead, will you vote for me?
Lead: You, midget? Heu heu heu heu, that’s funny, that’s funny.

[Hydrogen trudges up to Titanium, who’s lifting a dumbbell in the gym.]
Hydrogen: Titanium, will you vote for me?
Titanium: Wait. You’re in our grade?

[Hydrogen sits at her laptop and googles “how to increase your atomic weight.”]