Hydrogen for President | Page 29
Publish date: May 9, 2022
Featured characters:Hydrogen, Plutonium, Uranium
[Hydrogen faces down two large bullies, Uranium and Plutonium, in a dark and ominous stairwell. Plutonium waves his metal baseball bat in her face.]
Plutonium: And why should we vote for you, shrimp?
Hydrogen: Heh. You radioactives think you’re so tough?
The world’s most devastating weapons are born not of plutonium, nor of uranium…
…but of me, Hydrogen.
[Hydrogen stands in front of a celestial background as a yellow spark forms in her hands. She appears to be fusing hydrogen atoms.]
Hydrogen: My atom, in a fusion bomb, turns part its mass to energy.
The force that powers the sun and stars, unleashed on Earth in all its fury.
So vote for me…
[Hydrogen rises into the air and releases the spark, which explodes, scattering deadly cosmic rays. Plutonium and Uranium cower back, shielding their faces. Plutonium drops his bat.]
Plutonium: Aaaaaah! Okay, okay, we’ll vote for you!
[All of the previous panels are revealed to have been a dream. Hydrogen is sprawled out in front of the lockers with a bump on her head and bruises on her face, while Plutonium walks away.]
Hydrogen (thinking): I wish