I am preparing to apply for grad school and currently on hiatus. Thank you for your patience! — Ava

Hydrogen for President comic page 21

Hydrogen for President | Page 21

  Publish date: Mar 14, 2022
  Featured characters:Hydrogen, Platinum, Gold

[Hydrogen approaches two fancy-looking students in the school lounge.]
Hydrogen: Platinum! Gold! Will you vote for me to be president?
[Platinum sticks her nose up in the air.]
Platinum: And why would we do that?

[Platinum and Gold lean in as Hydrogen whispers something in their ears.]
Hydrogen: Because if you did, I’d psst psst psst

[Platinum and Gold crack twin smiles.]
Platinum, Gold: heh heh

[Hydrogen walks away, defeated.]
Hydrogen (thinking): Bribes don’t work on rich people