Hydrogen for President | Page 2
Publish date: Jan 3, 2022
Featured characters:Hydrogen, Oxygen
[Hydrogen waves at the viewer. She’s a small girl with fluffy white hair, tan freckled skin, and star-shaped earrings.]
Hydrogen: Hi! I’m Hydrogen, element number one!
[An image of Hydrogen floating pops up.]
Hydrogen: I’m a lighter-than-air gas…
[An image of Hydrogen cheerleading pops up.]
Hydrogen: …captain of the cheer squad…
[The background is replaced by the letters “VOTE.”]
Hydrogen: …and candidate for student council president!
Someday, I’ll be president of the entire country too!
[Hydrogen is so short, her face is cut off by the bottom of the panel. Oxygen pats her on the head.]
Oxygen: Suuuuure you will!
Hydrogen: Stop that