Carbon Copies comic page 15

Carbon Copies | Page 15

  Publish date: Mar 17, 2025
  Featured characters:Diamond, Carbon, Nanotube

Diamond (from headspace): Carbon Nanotube! Any fashion ideas?
[Nanotube starts drawing on the sketchpad.]
Nanotube: Hmm…how about this?

[Nanotube displays their design, a long honeycomb-patterned cylinder resembling the chemical structure of carbon nanotubes.]
Diamond (from headspace): It’s…a scarf?
Graphite (from headspace): No, there’s a hole through it. A cowl, maybe?

Diamond (from headspace): Too long to be a cowl.
A leg warmer?
Graphite (from headspace): No, it’s too skinny.

Diamond (from headspace): Maybe it’s a tube top for a very thin person?
Nanotube: I’m not very good at this.